
30-day results from prospective multi-specialty evaluation of carotid artery stenting using the CGuard™ MicroNet™ covered embolic prevention stent system in real world multicentre clinical practice: the IRON-GUARD study


Francesco Speziale, MD; Laura Capoccia, MD; Pasqualino Sirignamo, MD; Wassim Mansour, MD; Chiara Pranteda, MD; Renato Casana, MD; Carlo Setacci, MD.


200 patients in 12 centres were treated with CGuard™ EPS with a technical success of 100%.  DW-MRI was used 72 hours prior to and after the procedure in several centres and a total elimination of post-procedural neurologic complications at 30 days was observed. 

FU and Comments


This is the first “Real Life” vascular surgeons multicentric study. The procedural and clinical 30d FU were excellent. A subgroup was analysed with DWMRI and confirmed the neuro protection given with CGuard™ compared with historical series of conventional stents.